Voli Pantai: Indonesia Kalahkan Thailand
SEA Games 2011
18-11-2011 22:24 - Tim voli pantai Indonesia 1 (Andy Ardiansyah/Koko Prasetyo Darkuncoro) melangkah ke final SEA Games XXVI di kawasan Olahraga Jakabaring, Palembang, Jumat (18/11), setelah mengalahkan pasangan Thailand 2 (Sittichai/Prathip) dengan skor 2-1.Sejak awal set pertama, kedua tim sama-sama bermain agresif, sehingga perebutan skor pun berlangsung ketat.
Kedua tim silih berganti menuai angka, dan sempat mencetak skor imbang 14-14.
Tim Indonesia 1 itu, sempat unggul dua poin 18-16, setelah benar-benar fokus dalam menyerang.
Namun, setelah time out, konsentrasi kedua atlet itu kembali melemah dan dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh tim lawan untuk menempel skor.
Smash tipuan Andy sempat membawa keunggulan Indonesia 1 menjadi 19-16, namun kemampuan Prathip dalam menempatkan bola membuat skor kembali hanya berselisih dua. Skor menjadi 19-17 untuk keunggulan Indonesia.
Kegagalan Andy menjangkau bola berkat smash keras Sittichai, kembali membuat Thailand menempel skor menjadi 19-18.
Pertarungan mencapai klimaks saat skor berubah imbang 19-19.
Indonesia mampu mencetak match point lebih dahulu, namun smash Sittichai berhasil membuat pertandingan berlangsung duece.
Permainan berlangsung sengit, karena kedua tim saling susul menyusul angka, sehingga sempat terjadi lima kali duece.
Pasangan Thailand membuat match point pertama pada duece ke-5, namun tidak dapat dipatahkan oleh Tim Indonesia, sehingga skor set pertama berakhir 26-28 untuk keunggulan tim lawan.
Pada set kedua, Andi/Koko yang merupakan juara pada SEA Games Laos seakan menemukan performa aslinya.
Tim Indonesia 2 itu seakan tidak memberikan kesempatan kepada Thailand untuk mengembangkan permainan. Skor 8-1 langsung diraih melalui beberapa variasi serangan dan smash tipuan.
Tim Thailand berupaya mengimbangi, namun taktik dan strategi mereka seakan terbaca oleh Andi/Koko.
Poin per poin didapatkan Andi/Koko dengan mudah, skor 10-2 pun berhasil dicetak pasangan andalan Indonesia itu.
Kecepatan dan akurasi Andi/Koko terlihat pada set kedua ini.
Para penonton pun bersorak-sorai, karena disuguhi pertandingan yang menarik.
Tim Thailand hanya berupaya mengimbangi, sehingga skor akhir set kedua untuk keunggulan Indonesia 21-9.
Vision Training with Sykora
Stacy in Vision Training
Battle of the Beatables
Wednesday November 16, 2011
As the NCAA playoffs approach it is becoming clear that this year's national championship is going to be a free-for-all. There are no teams dominating the competition, there are no superstars that are head and shoulders above the rest, there are no clear favorites.
After four years of Penn State dominance, the Nittany Lions currently sit in 12th place. Above them, the No. 1 position keeps changing hands. So far six teams have earned the honor of the top spot in the 12 weeks of the 2011 season and each of them have at least three losses on their records. Among them are Penn State, Cal, Illinois, Nebraska, UCLA and this week's top dog, USC.
Any one of these teams could claim the title next month. Or they could all be upset by some of the other solid teams in the top 10. Nebraska has a shot along with Stanford, Hawaii, Purdue and Texas. Don't be surprised if any of those teams go all the way.
Frankly, this is a year in which one of the teams ranked in the 10-20 range could make a run and topple the top squads. As a whole the level of play we've seen this year pales in comparison to what we saw a couple of years back when Megan Hodge and Destinee Hooker went head to head in one of the best finals ever.
Hooker and Hodge may have spoiled us. But this year's playoffs will have an element of surprise to them that we haven't seen in years. Hold on to your brackets, folks. It is going to be a bumpy ride.
After four years of Penn State dominance, the Nittany Lions currently sit in 12th place. Above them, the No. 1 position keeps changing hands. So far six teams have earned the honor of the top spot in the 12 weeks of the 2011 season and each of them have at least three losses on their records. Among them are Penn State, Cal, Illinois, Nebraska, UCLA and this week's top dog, USC.
Any one of these teams could claim the title next month. Or they could all be upset by some of the other solid teams in the top 10. Nebraska has a shot along with Stanford, Hawaii, Purdue and Texas. Don't be surprised if any of those teams go all the way.
Frankly, this is a year in which one of the teams ranked in the 10-20 range could make a run and topple the top squads. As a whole the level of play we've seen this year pales in comparison to what we saw a couple of years back when Megan Hodge and Destinee Hooker went head to head in one of the best finals ever.
Hooker and Hodge may have spoiled us. But this year's playoffs will have an element of surprise to them that we haven't seen in years. Hold on to your brackets, folks. It is going to be a bumpy ride.
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